Hodorkovskin orpokoti

It has become a home for orphans of Russian military men, children from single-parent families and those who survived the hostage crises in Beslan and in Moscow’s Nord-Ost theater.
Tuntuu perin oudolta, jopa ilkeämieliseltä, iskeä orpokotiin. Tämä ei ole edes ensimmäinen laitokseen kohdistunut hyökkäys. Vuonna 2003 uutisoitiin laajalti, miten konetuliasein varustautuneet, naamioituneet poliisit iskivät kouluun ja penkoivat kaiken lasten harjoitusvihkoja myöten. Myöhemmin he vakuuttivat löytäneensä koulusta tietokoneen, joka sisälsi tietoja veropetoksesta.
The first deputy head of the prosecutor general's special investigations division, Irina Alyoshina, told Interfax on Friday that the raids on the Yukos orphanage had come as part of a new investigation into suspected tax evasion and expropriation by Yukos.
She said raids earlier this summer at Yukos-affiliated companies had uncovered schemes to evade "millions of dollars" in taxes.
"The investigators found that these schemes also disclosed the place where Menatep [a group that owns 61 percent of Yukos] and Yukos keep their archives," she said. "The raid on the Korallovo orphanage was conducted on this basis.
"Doesn't it seem strange that such a computer was kept in an institution for children?" she said.
Hyökkäys herätti laajaa vastustusta ja epäilyä:
But a question arises: what can be found during searches in the orphanage? They may find something, but it is hardly likely that experienced Yukos managers have hidden their most important secrets under the children's beds. On the other hand, it is unlikely that worldly-wise investigators are that naпve. What is more, an idea immediately comes to mind that the Prosecutor's Office is not looking for anything particular at the orphanage.
Mahdollisesti Putin todella pelkää Hodorkovskin keräävän nuorisoa taakseen. Hodorkovskin äiti sanoi haastattelussa, että heidän epäillään kasvattavan kapinallisia:
SOROKINA: Marina, we are in Korallovo right now. There is a high school here where kids are being taught. By the way, when browsing all kinds of websites you come across some strange, to say the least, assertions about the Korallovo high school, assertions that are too grotesque to fathom.
KHODORKOVSKAYA: They even call our kids rebels.
SOROKINA: Yes, yes, they say you are training rebels here. For God’s sake, please tell us how you are doing here. Do you have enough money to keep the school going?
KHODORKOVSKAYA: Mostly we have either orphaned kids or kids whose parents have been stripped of their parental rights. At best we have kids from socially vulnerable strata, i.e. kids of mothers who have many children but cannot afford to raise them decently.
Yukosin sivuilla kerrotaan orpokodista:
In 1995, YUKOS initiated a special project, the Podmoskovny Lyceum boarding school. That was the year that retired Border Guards General Yuri Mamonov proposed the idea of creating an institution to provide a top-notch education to the children of Russian Border Guards who had died in the line of duty or who are serving their country in far-flung outposts such as the dangerous Afghan-Tajik border.
Yukos kertoi ylpeästi, miten lapset loivat oman "tasavaltansa", käyttivät omaa lippuaan ja lauloivat omaa kansallislauluaan. Heidän opettajistaan tuli korvikevanhempia. Lapset kasvatettiin Yukosin työntekijöiksi ja rajajoukkoihin:
Most of the graduates are now matriculated at the Gubkin Oil and Gas Institute, while others have decided to follow in their fathers' footsteps and have chosen to attend the Golitsyn Border Guards' Institute.
Ehkä kyseessä ei ole vain syyttäjän halu lyödä Hodorkovskia ja hänen perhettään (hänen vanhempansa johtivat orpokotia, jonka toiminta nyt on mahdotonta), vaan aito epäilys "viidennestä kolonnasta". Siinä tapauksessa Putinin hallitus on joko tavattoman kaukonäköinen tai tavattoman vainoharhainen.
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